Monday, September 17, 2007


* 1/2 cawan milo (packet yg plg kecil)
* 1 tin susu cair (biase guna susu carnation evaporated)
* 1 buku buttercup
* 1 cawan gula halus
* 1 biji telur ayam
* 1 cawan koko
* 1 1/2 packet biskut marie (lbh sedap kalau gne biskut marie biase bkn yg
perisa koko)
* Nestum + kacang goreng yg telah ditumbuk dan buang kulit (optional)


1. masukkan semua bahan-bahan tadi ke dalam periuk (kecuali biskut marie)
2. cairkan semua bahan-bahan tu dengan api yg kecil
3. kacau bahan-bahan tu smpi pekat (dlm 15 min)
4. bila da pekat, tutup api dan masukkan biskut marie dan kacau sehingga sebati
5. then, masukkan ke dalam loyang dan mampatkan (lapik pakai aluminium foil utk
lagi senang)
6. pastu, masukkan dlm peti sejuk untuk keraskan. kalau dah keras bru sedap
dimakan...selamat mencuba

Saturday, September 15, 2007



200 g salted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
70 g brown sugar


200 g butter, softened
160 g icing sugar, sifted
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon coffee flavoring (available from bakery supplies shop, You can use 2 tablespoons instant coffee powder dissolved in 1)
1 pinch ground cinnamon, can be added to the coffee flavouring for extra flavour
200 g all-purpose flour, sifted

Sweet dough

500 g bread flour, sifted
20 g powdered milk, sifted
75 g caster sugar
6 g salt
8 g instant yeast
1 egg, lightly beaten
270 g water or milk (do not use milk powder if using milk)
60 g butter, softened

  1. For Filling:.
  2. Beat butter in electric mixer on medium speed with the paddle attachment for three minutes.
  3. Blend in vanilla essence and brown sugar.
  4. Spoon mixture into bowl and refrigerated until firm.
  5. Divide mixture into 20 g portion into ball. Keep refrigerated until ready to use.
  6. For Topping:.
  7. Beat butter and icing sugar in electric mixer with the paddle attachment on medium speed for five minute until mixture is light and fluffy.
  8. Gradually beat in eggs.
  9. Mix in coffee flavouring.
  10. Sift flour onto mixture and mix on low speed until combined.
  11. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  12. For Sweet Dough:.
  13. Mix sifted flour, castor sugar and salt in electric mixer with dough hook on low speed for one minute
  14. Mix in yeast.
  15. Add egg and water or milk.
  16. Mix on low speed for another minute.
  17. Mix on medium speed for eight minutes.
  18. Mix in butter.
  19. Mix five minutes more on medium speed until soft, smooth and elastic(but not sticky) dough forms.
  20. Remove dough from mixture and shape into a ball.
  21. Divide the dough into 55 g portions(should get 17 portions).
  22. Roll each portion into a ball. Cover the balls of dough and leave to rest for 10 minute
  23. To shape the buns:.
  24. Flatten a ball of dough with the palm of your hand.
  25. Place a ball of filling in the centre of the dough.
  26. Gather the edge and pinch to seal. (Be sure to seal well or the filling will leak out during baking.)
  27. Pat into shape and place on a greased baking tray.
  28. Repeat with remaining portions of dough.
  29. Place each bun about 7.5 cm apart on the baking trays.
  30. Prove for 45 min in a warm place.
  31. Pipe the topping on the buns in a spiral, starting from the centre.
  32. Bake in preheated oven at 200 deg C for 12 to 15 min or until buns are lightly brown.


Bahan-bahan ( 10-12 biji )

  • 500gm tepung gandum
  • 90gm gula
  • 350ml susu suam
  • 340gm butter
  • 15gm yeast
  • sedikit garam
  • telur untuk kilatkan croissant
  • tepung untuk dusting


  1. Masukkan tepung, gula, garam, yeast & susu kedalam mixer, pukul selama 8-10 minit. Dah siap pukul, tabur2kan tepung sikit (dust), cantik2kan doh tu sikit & biarkan dia naik 2 kali ganda (1.5 - 2 jam). Seeloknya tutup dengan towel basah.
  2. P1010001
    Sementara tunggu doh naik, kita siapkan butter. Letakkan butter di atas cling wrap & tutup dia atasnya dengan cling wrap. Penyekkan dengan tangan sikit, & lepas tu lenyekkan dengan roller pin. (jadikan dia bentuk 4 segi). Tak jadi 4 segi pun takper..Lepas tu simpan mentega tu dalam peti sejuk sekejap sementara tunggu doh naik. (jgn sampai terkeras sangat pulak mentega ni nanti, agak2..) butter ni saya lenyek panjang sangat..kalau u all buat, pendekkan sikit
  3. P1010002_1_
    Bila doh dah ready..kita canai doh supaya jadi 4 segi panjang. letakkan mentega di tengah doh & lipatkan doh tersebut (mcm kita lipat kain) supaya bertemu antara satu sama lain). Pasti kan doh cover kesemua butter yag kat dalam tuu.
  4. 04042007_001_
    Bila dah lipat, kita canai lagi sekali. Kali ni..pastikan lipatan yang bertemu mula2 tadi dalam posisi menegak (12 o'clock & 6 o'clock). Canai memanjang dan lipat lagi sekali. Balutkan dengan cling wrap dan simpan dalam peti sejuk selama 30 minit.
  5. Keluarkan dari fridge, canai lagi mcm proses no 3, dan simpan lagi dalam fridge. Bila dah cukup 30 minit..keluarkan dan ulang lagi proses yang sama..dan kali ni..simpan overnite dalam fridge.
  6. 05042007
    Bila nak mula shaping..keluarkan dari fridge..dah belah dua doh seperti dalam gambar.
  7. 05042007_002_
    Canai nipis doh senipis 0.4 - 0.5 cm dalam bentuk 4 segi memanjang. Kemudian kemaskan bahagian tepi doh degan pisau. Potong doh seperti dalam gambar.
  8. 05042007_003_
    Gulung doh dari bawah ke atas, seperti dalam gambar. Ulang sehingga habis. Rehatkan untuk doh membesar 2 kai ganda. Sapukan telur di atasnya dan bakar (15 minis - 190C).
  9. p/s - Resepi ni banyak guna tepung utk dusting, specially masa nak canai. Make sure kita brush away the dusting before kita kita chill it dalam fridge.


1 cup milk
1 tbsp butter (first amount)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 pkg dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water
2 1/2 cup unbleached flour
1 cup cold butter (second amount)

Combine milk, first amount of butter, sugar and salt in a small pot and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and cool to room temperature.

While mixture is cooling, dissolve the yeast in the water and add it to the milk. Place the liquid in a mixer and add the flour. Using the dough hook, mix until the dough is elastic and sticky.

Place in a bowl, cover and let rise until double in bulk, about 1 1/2 hours. Place in refrigerator and chill for 30 minutes.

While recipe croissant dough is chilling, soften the remaining cold butter by pounding with a rolling pin.

Roll the dough on a floured board to form a 1/4-inch thick rectangle. Spread the butter over 2/3 of the rectangle closest to you. Fold the unbuttered third over the center third. Then fold the bottom 1/3 over the doubled portion. Swing the dough around a quarter turn. Roll it again into a 1/4-inch thick oblong. Fold again in thirds.

Cover the dough and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours or more. When the dough is chilled, remove from the refrigerator and repeat the folding and turning twice more. Then roll the dough to 1/4-inch thickness once more. Cut the dough into 3-inch squares then cut the squares on the bias to form two triangles. Roll each triangle beginning with the wide side, then shape the rolls into crescents. Place on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Leave enough room for each croissant to triple in size. Chill for 30 minutes in the refrigerator before baking.

Preheat oven to 400F. Bake for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350F and continue to bake another 15 minutes.

Remove recipe croissant from the oven. Cool and enjoy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Bahan-bahan ( 30 keping )

* 200g butter
* 80g gula aising
* 360g superfine flour
* 1biji telur
* 1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila
* 1 cawan susu cair
* 4 biji telur
* 1 cawan gula
* 1 cawan air
* 1 sudu besar tepung kastard
* 1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila
* pewarna kuning


1. Pukul butter dan gula sampai kembang.
2. Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit.
3. Masukkan tepung sampai jadi doh.
4. Ratakan setebal 1/2 cm dan terap dalam acuan.
5. Cucuk dengan garfu supaya tidak kembung. Dan bakar selama 10min pada suhu 180.
6. Keluarkan dan masukkan filling. Bakar lagi 10 min.
7. Untuk filling. Campurkan semua bahan dan gaul hingga sebati.